R & D Cell Testing Lab Design
Panoramic view of a R&D Cell testing area. All of these lockers are located under a 12' x 12' viking-style hood that provided constant airflow and ventilation for the ~500 cells under test.
R&D Cell Testing Lab Set-up. Note that the Neware Battery Testers have been broken up into columns of 2-3 modules and suspended overhead. This is a great way to maximize on floor space without sacrificing test channels.

High-level schematics for planning out this R&D space. The blocks in Yellow and Green are cyclers - the yellow means it's suspended overhead, green is on the ground. The large Grey block in the middle represents the footprint of the 12'x 12' viking-style hood overhead. The small Beige and slightly larger Dark Grey blocks represent individual lockers for test channels. The Beige lockers can hold up to (12) test channels and the Dark Grey lockers can hold up to (18) test channels of a slightly larger form-factor cell.